I made some dandelion jelly. Yes from the little yellow flowers that are the bane of most people's lawns. It has a citruslike flavor and a bit of an astringent finish. Honestly it cleanses the palate really well. Most people are afraid of it at first, but once they try it most of them are hooked on it. I used to sell it at a market here, but I don't like the way they are running it now, so I won't sell there. I have had some old customers track me down and ask for some, that makes one feel good.
Mostly I hoard it - then give it as gifts. I love giving gifts that I make, be it crocheted, baked, or processed. I feel giving my TIME is better than money - and I don't have tons of that lying around either. Not to mention that way you can USE the gift I've given you. I could be a dork but oh well :)