That being said, I don't understand where an ADULT gets off calling a kid horrible names like "A little SHIT" or a "Bitch". I can deal with someone not wanting their kids to play with mine and I'd respect that wish as well. BUT when THOSE kids come down to our block and tell my kids they can't play with the friends they have HERE because they came and they aren't allowed to play with "THEM", I will NEVER get that. I will also not be able to understand why an ADULT would go to my son's OTHER friends parents and tell them that Vincent should NOT be allowed to play at their homes either and how that other adult is IRRATIONAL enough to do it. When Vincent came home in tears because he's no longer allowed to play with another friend - of which he's known for YEARS, I just lost it. I went to talk to the other parent who says "Vincent got her kids in trouble ..." I cut her off and yelled (not proud of that) "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!!!!!"
I have been dealing with this WOMAN (I refuse to call her an adult anymore because she clearly isn't one) for weeks now. I have tried to be the bigger person, I even wrote her a letter as she kept hanging up on me on the phone or yelling at me as if I'm a child. I have NEVER told her kids to get out of my yard or not to be on my sidewalk. Which she has done to Vincent because he rode through a mud puddle on her sidewalk and got dirt on the rest of it - just like every other kid around here. I have instructed him to ride across the street from this woman's house from now on. But I'm just done, it's taking every ounce of my strength to not go to her house knock on her door and punch her right in the face.
I'm not one to be pushed to tears that often - I try to stay rational and calm - but I can't seem to stop crying for Vincent and the girls. They do NOT deserve to be treated this horribly by a petty miserable excuse of a human being.