Thursday, June 14, 2012

Two weeks since surgery

Well I had THOUGHT I was supposed to go to the Dr on the 12th to get the surgical bandage (pic 1) removed and to see if I was getting a cast or back to Das Boot.  Went to the clinic, dealt with crappy parking, when you are on crutches you ALWAYS want to get as close to the door as possible, went to check in and was promptly told that my appt was on the 11th and that my Dr is never there on Tuesdays, but they could squeeze me in on the 13th.  So fine, set the appt and was growly because the receptionist was really snarky, like I'm supposed to KNOW he's not there on Tuesdays, whatever!  So I went home and checked ALL my paperwork from the hospital and it ALL said my appt was on the :P to that chick behind the counter.

Onto the 13th, went to the clinic, had to park in SIBERIA thank goodness Vincent was with me to carry my backpack and the boot.  Checked in with same receptionist, and told her all my paperwork said the 12th, and sat down to wait.  The appt was at 9:15am, we got in at 10:15 - ugh.  They took off the surgical bandage and I scratched the living hell out of my leg, you have NO IDEA how maddening it is to have an itch you cannot scratch at ALL!  Dr said everything looks good so far and that stitches will dissolve.  I was really impressed with the fact that he tried to stay with the contour of my tattoo.  It makes the scar a little more jagged, but it was really cool that he made that effort.  I had even told him not to worry about it.  I'm not sure how big the scar is going to be as I still have the steri-strips on, and I'm supposed to leave them until they fall off. (pic 2)

I cannot get over how much my leg shrank, it's hard to tell in the picture (pic 3 and 4) but I really is significantly smaller than the other now.  I can flex my ankle a little right now, and the Dr. says I should but only up and down, not side to side or try rolling it at all yet.  I can feel the plate when I touch my ankle which is also odd, it just feels really solid.  The kids put magnets on it to see if they'd stick, their logic was it's METAL so the magnets SHOULD stick, they don't har har har!

It's pretty sore now and I'm getting used to the boot again, I'm glad that was what we went with, where the kids wanted to draw on a cast, I like that I can shower without a garbage bag duct taped to my leg! And it's nice because I can take the boot off every now and then when it gets really hot.

So I'm off work until at least the 5th of July which is my next appt with an x-ray, I'm just trying to not over do it, but it's hard trying to keep up with 3 kids and try to keep a house in order.  And I miss working, my coworkers, etc.  but we had a big conversion happen at work and it was apparently much hairier than anticipated, so I've missed the worst of that.  I'm not bummed that I missed it but I feel bad because I know they could have used the help.  And short term disability is OK, but it's not my regular check and so I don't see squat going into the bank like before.  But I'll make up for it when I go back and get some big overtime checks in.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell...hope life is good with you!

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